School Games Mark
The nine schools in Hampshire involved in the original pilot trial of The PE Suite all went on to achieve gold kitemark recognition for the PE provision at their school. This is the second year in a row that this achievement has been recognized.
My role as a PE specialist
 was originally developed from an alliance of headteachers whose aspiration was to have Outstanding PE provision within each school, and to open up opportunities in the local community to engage in greater competitive experiences.
Setting the target of all schools achieving a Gold Schools Games Mark has been a key pivotal focus for the whole year to pursue a relentless drive to ensure PE has remained an important focus in the schools.
How We Achieved Gold Kitemarks Two Years Running
A key part of this drive on the journey towards Outstanding PE is to place a large emphasis on improving the quality of teaching and learning. This has occurred through use of The PE Suite as an effective tool to help model skills, drills and sequences or games for teachers to use within lessons. This has provided them with the subject knowledge and confidence they need to deliver outstanding P.E.
Learning opportunities have been improved by empowering children to take responsibility of their learning through 
being reflective learners who use iPads as a form of self- assessment. They use these to record their own attempts at skills to compare to the modelled examples on The PE Suite which teaches them how to be analytical thinkers.
By enriching the PE curriculum, this has encouraged pupil voice and leadership to develop due to the newly placed importance that both teachers and children place on PE which has led to ever greater opportunities and enriching experiences.
Giving teachers quality time to have CPD with a PE specialist is essential to help address the areas of development they have which stem from the such little volume of training they received from their degrees (the national average is 12 hours training within a 4 year course.)
The great aspect of The PE Suite is that, after the CPD is delivered, the knowledge is retained online which teachers can then access at any time to check on any aspect of PE that they need to become familiar with.
This addresses a problem so often found in primary schools when teachers go onto PE courses and then return back to a school to find limited time in which to impart the knowledge to staff in a meaningful and memorable way.
The best way to address this problem is to have a CPD day with one of our PE Specialists alongside a subscription to The PE Suite.
The PE Suite will help your school embrace the perception of PE as a powerful platform which will provide unique opportunities for pupils, not only to encourage them to pursue a healthy lifestyle, increase concentration and attitudes to learning, but also to equip children with valuable life skills such as: resilience to challenge, self-discipline, independence and collaboration, which help prepare them with resources to cope well with the uncertainty and complexity in everyday life.